Private landlords who rent out apartments, student accommodation or HMO’s have a myriad of standards to comply to so that they can protect their tenants and themselves in the event of a fire or similar incident.
CCSS has over 20 years’ experience in providing fully compliant fire, security and life safety solutions to private landlords.
Ensuring systems are designed and serviced in line with the requirements of ‘The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005’ by a BAFE approved company will always ensure that people and property are protected to the very highest standards.
Our services include working with your nominated fire risk assessor to ensure that all urgent items on your fire risk assessment report are dealt with in the quickest possible time.
By employing a different BAFE approved company for your fire risk assessment and the follow-on works, you are maximising your chances of getting it right first time every time.
If you are designing or redeveloping a new property, we can help with design advice across a range of services ensuring a cost effective and compliant solution is offered first time every time. During this process we can work closely with your local fire and rescue service, if required.
Our BAFE approval covers the design, installation, commissioning and servicing of fire alarms, fire extinguishers and emergency lighting. One company, one great BAFE approved service.