The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 puts a responsibility onto building and business owners to do the following:
The responsible person must— take such general fire precautions as will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of any of his employees; and in relation to relevant persons who are not his employees, take such general fire precautions as may reasonably be required in the circumstances of the case to ensure that the premises are safe.
The responsible person must make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed for the purpose of identifying the general fire precautions he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on him by or under this Order.
The full order can be viewed here:
If you want to know more or book a free survey
Here at CCSS Ltd we do not offer our customers Fire Risk Assessments as part of our service.
This is because we feel it is important that the company recommending the safety improvements should not be able to benefit from the works required to bring the property up to standard.
As a business we too employ a fire risk assessor to audit our premises, so we have to look at the different recommendations and take any appropriate actions. Even to us, sometimes these recommendations can seem to be ‘gobbly de gook’. We can only have sympathy for our customers whose business Is nothing to do with fire safety.
This is where CCSS can help, we can look at your Fire Risk Assessment and decipher the jargon for you while at the same time offering you a one stop solution for all the actions that may come out of the FRA:
- Fire alarm design, installation, commissioning and servicing to BS5839 under the auspices of BAFE
- Fire door inspection, servicing or replacement to FDIS standards to BS8214
- Emergency lighting design, installation, commissioning and servicing to BS5266 again to BAFE standards
- Fire extinguisher design and servicing to BS5306 and BAFE
- Electrical periodic testing to BS7266 NICEIC standards
- Escape doors, Fire stopping, intumescent strips, smoke vents and dampers, auto window vents (AOV) all come under our scope of works.
So rather than shop around and all on three or four contractors, let CCSS look after your requirements and not just in response to your Fire Risk Assessment but all year round with servicing and maintenance contracts offering cover 24 hours a day 365 days a year.