Networked Access Control is a way of controlling and regulating who has access to a building, when they have access and where they have access to using uniquely coded credentials or biometrics that are presented to a reader at the door which is to be controlled.
This door will have an electronic lock or magnetic lock which will release when an authorised credential is presented allowing access. Via a PC or tablet, these movements can be recorded onto software to produce an audit trail. An additional time and attendance license can be added for payroll use and an interface to any fire alarm system can ensure that doors and opened in an emergency if required.
A Networked Access control system from CCSS will help to create a safer environment for your building, reduce walk-in thefts, and discourage uninvited visitors. It will protect your building whilst controlling and recording the movement of staff and visitors across single or multiple sites. Those sites can be anywhere in the world.
The readers used on our access control equipment can react to fobs or cards, these cards can double up as your company ID cards. Even your mobile device can now be your access control credentials.
If you want to know more or book a free survey
CCSS are DHF and ADSA members and therefore can connect your access control systems to automated doors, gates or barriers fully in line with the safety standards demanded in the EU Machinery Directive
Don’t be fooled by low cost access control as many of the fobs and cards employed by these systems can be easily cloned at a local high street shoe repairer, leaving your system vulnerable. Therefore, its essential to use a reputable professional company to maximise your investment in your security systems.
CCSS can offer a competitive leasing package to spread the cost of your Access Control investment over 2,3,4 or 5 years.